Bilkent University
Mechanical Engineering Department
A workshop is planned on vibrational energy transport and dissipation supported by the National Science Foundation.
The general topic of the workshop is related to the fundamental issues associated with energy transfer ranging from atomic to engineering length scales and include:
I. Fundamentals mechanisms of dissipation of acoustical and vibrational energy
II. Transfer of energy from vibrating structures to other structures and to the environment
III. Fundamental statistical theories for vibrational energy transfer
IV. Methodologies for redirecting energy flow in structures to achieve desired vibrational reductions
The workshop will bring together individuals from different disciplines who have considered vibrational energy transfer and dissipation from different viewpoints. The workshop is expected to coalesce the knowledge on such topics as periodic structures, localization, statistical energy analysis, fuzzy structures with knowledge in areas such as physics of complex systems, meta-materials, irreversibility and dynamics of disordered systems.
The workshop is tentatively scheduled for the Summer of 2011 in Rome, Italy.
Workshop organizers:
Adnan Akay, Bilkent University
Antonio Carcaterra, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Allan D. Pierce, Boston university